About Us….

We’re the  traveling Turpins!

With me (Bridget) are my husband Benoit (pronounced Ben-WAH! He’s French. Nuff said…!) our SIX kids, and Claire, my 90 year old, spunky mom who, although not in the convertible with us, still travels with us everywhere!

Those beautiful KIDS: Elodie has finished college and lives in NYC. Two daughters are in various stages of college: Zelie in Austria and Adelaide in NYC. Gabriel, the Prince Charming, is a high schooler and the youngest, Agnes, is the assistant author here on the blog, and is in 7th grade. 

Our first grandchild, Maxine, lives here as well, with her parents, Claire (my oldest) and Marius, adding yet another element of excitement to our multi-generational traveling!

So in kids, grandkids, and mother-in-laws, we cover all ages, stages and expense levels.

We LOVE Life!… and Fun… and Travel…. and each other.

We LOVE being entrepreneurs and helping others become entrepreneurs, too….

We didn’t always have this option before!…

You see, Benoit worked for a corporation, I worked for an airline before quitting to be a full-time, homeschooling mom of multitudes!…

But we knew there just HAD to be a better way to make a living!…

One that didn’t suck up our entire lives….

One that would allow us flexibility to be with our family…

but also a way that would financially SUPPORT our rather numerous offspring!… and our rather upscale tastes! 

So we started on a journey of discovery, always keeping our minds open to new avenues. And NOW? We work at home together, we’re entrepreneurs with way too many ideas, and we travel A

We run a sales and consulting business, this Traveling Turpins Blog, and a travel business out of our home.

We share our multi-generational travel info and adventures here with you for the purpose of inspiring YOU to join the journey! We hope you will begin to think out of the box as well , and live a life of Fun, Freedom and Fulfillment… on your OWN terms… whatever that looks like for you and your family.

While you visit here with us, we hope you enjoy the stories of our favorite destinations, trip videos, travel tips, some how-to’s, even some links and reviews of our favorite journey gear and gizmos to take on your own journeys! 

And let’s get to know each other! Leave a comment or 2! Find us on your favorite social media platforms! and thanks for visiting today.

When you leave us your email below, we send you our latest posts as we write them! Hope to hear from you soon.